Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I get a little crazy

Sometimes I get crazy in the head when I watch or read the news.

Very little puts me over the top quick than all the reports of abuse of children in one way or another.

This week, nutjob Josh Powell blew up his house after his two sons arrived for a supervised visit.  His wife disappeared a couple years ago.  I think it's safe to assume he killed her.

If killing his kids wasn't enough, we now know that both the boys' bodies had "chop" injuries as well.  There as a hatchet found at the scene. I pray the kids didn't know what happened to them.

This afternoon the local news is covering the investigate of the totally-unfit 21-year-old Sanilac County (Michigan) mother who was videotaped forcing food into the mouth of  her then two year old son.

The video, which was posted to YouTube, is one of the more disturbing scenes I've endured.  I nearly vomited.

Must further away, in Los Angles, an elementary school has replaced the ENTIRE teaching staff, after a second instructor was charged with lewd acts.

Lewd is the word CNN used in their report.  I can't even think of a word that is appropriate for what was going on there.

For weeks we've been hearing about Jerry Sandusky and how other adults KNEW what was going on and did nothing.

What the hell is going on?

Is it any wonder I get a little crazy sometimes?

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