Friday, April 27, 2012

Postcard Pay Dirt 2

I don't want to sound obsessed, but here's another piece of Huron County history that found it's way into my hands.

As you can see, the one-cent postcard was sent to the Huron Grindstone Co. in Port Austin, Michigan.  These were cards sold my the post office for sending short notes and other messages in a day when no one was worried about confidentiality.

The postmark is from Croswell, Michigan, another rural community in Michigan's Thumb. Take a look at the year: 1892.  This card was mailed nearly 120 years ago!

As you can see (click on the cards for a better view), the card, dated Aug. 1, 92, was sent by Pastor W. D. Cole, requesting the cornerstone for the Elkton Presby. Church -- ordered by W.H. Wallace of the W. H. Wallace Stone Quarry just west of Pigeon -- be shipped to the Bad Axe Marble Works, Bad Axe, for lettering.

This card represents:
  • Elkton, Michigan
  • Elkton Presby Church
  • W. H. Wallace (Quarry)
  • Bad Axe Marble Works (still in business)
  • Huron Grindstone Co.
  • Pastor W. D. Cole
  • Croswell, Michigan

What a great piece of history!

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1 comment:

  1. Interesting, BE. I'm always fascinated by how beautiful handwriting was "back then..." obviously people took great care with their cursive lessons.

    I've seen it on postcards, in census books and other places. I don't know if our schools spend much time teaching handwriting now or not... in my years of elementary school (1956-63) we spent a GREAT deal of effort on it.
