I figured if a movie was close to starting, I’d check it out.
Arriving at the theater, I had a couple options: Magic Mike in 10 minutes, or Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection in about 35 minutes. Hmmm. Magic Mike won out.
Magic Mike was far from magic. What was I thinking that a show about male strippers would have any kind of plot.
What made the show enjoyable was the audience in the theater with me – elderly woman (in their 70s) and high school kids.
I chuckled as two young men sitting in front of me with two young woman made comments about how much the show sucked. The ladies shushed them repeatedly as they drooled over the nearly nude, well-sculpted magic-men on the screen.
But as I said, there wasn’t a plot. It is interesting to know that the film is loosely based on Channing Tatum's experiences as a male exotic dancer before hitting it big as a movie star.
I have to wonder how closely the storyline follows his life experiences.
Whatever the case, if you like movies and have a couple hours to kill, Magic Mike isn’t the worst movie I have seen. If there are other choices, I’d pick them.

Screened on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at GKC Theater, Port Huron, MI
Movies critiques and more at BareNakedBill.blogspot.com
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