Set on an idyllic New England island called "New Penzance" in 1965, features 12-year-old Sam Shakusky, an orphan, is attending a "Khaki Scout" summer camp led by Scout Master Ward.
Suzy Bishop lives on the island with her attorney parents – Walt and Laura – and three younger brothers in a house called Summer's End.
Sam and Suzy met the previous summer during a church performance of Noye's Fludde and remained pen pals for the following year. Together, they made a secret pact to reunite the following summer and run away.
Sam brings camping equipment, and Suzy brings six books, her cat, and a record player.
They spend several days hiking and camping together in the wilderness with the goal of reaching a secluded cove on the island, which they name Moonrise Kingdom. They dance on the beach and their young romance blossoms until Suzy's parents, the police, and the scout master eventually find them.
Suzy returns with her parents and is forbidden from seeing Sam again.
Sam stays with police Captain Sharp while they await Social Services, who will place him in a "juvenile refuge" because his foster parents no longer wish to house him.
The scouts, who previously were not kind to Sam, decide it is their duty to help the young lovers run away again. Suzy, Sam, and the other scouts seek out the help of Cousin Ben, an older relative of one of the scouts who works at the larger Khaki Scout summer camp.
After many twists and turns, Sam and Suzy eventually are apprehended on a church steeple during a violent hurricane and flash flood, evoking the earlier references to Noah.
Sharp decides to become Sam's legal guardian, saving him from the orphanage and allowing him to remain on the island and be with Suzy.
The last scene takes place at Summer's End, with Sam painting a landscape of the cove and then slipping out the window as Suzy and her brothers are called to dinner.
This movie is about as off-the-wall as it can get... that's probably why I loved it so much!
Screened on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at Main Art Theater, Royal Oak with Andrew Rivard
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