Monday, December 31, 2012

Daily Grind

Wow... I've been away from the keyboard for a few days.  More days than ever since I started writing this blog.

But the holidays are always a busy time.  Oddly, I had some free time because of some "use it or lose it" vacation days at work.

Last Wednesday, I ran around doing errands and other necessary things, including trying to find a replacement rim for the one that was bent on my Ford Fusion.

Thursday morning a friend and I headed to Toronto for a few days.

It was cold and snowy when we left, but the weather improved as we moved further east.

This trip wasn't the best I've ever had and I was kind of thankful to be headed back to Michigan on Saturday afternoon.

Frustration hit when my the data on my phone wasn't working and I had to find a WiFi connection here and there to stay connected to the world as we made our way to Detroit.

Saturday evening, we saw "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" at the Detroit Opera House.  It was a fun, whimsical production of the Dr. Seuss book by the same name.

After the show, I made my way to Bay City to spend the night with friends.

Sunday (yesterday), I finally made my way home to simply veg on the couch. By late afternoon I was bored and ended up back in Bay City to hang with friends.

This morning, I again tried to get that rim for the car and dealt with the data issue on my phone. Both have made me a little crazy in the head.

I feel out of sorts, dazed and confused.

I know I do better when I have a routine in my life.  The daily grind, as they say.

So, I'm looking forward to Wednesday, January 2, when I'll be back at my desk with a cup of coffee and my regular routine.

A good daily grind isn't always a bad thing.


  1. Good post, Bill! Love the link between daily grind and coffee at the end.

    And you are so right about having routine and purpose in life. Getting off a plane in Phoenix the other day, I heard a flight attendant comment to the pilot, "Well, one more down on the way to retirement."

    So, to be smart, I must admit, I asked them both what they were going to do with the last 40 years of their lives. "Since you are looking forward to retirement and since you could live to be 100, what is it that you are planning to do?" I wasn't sassy, just curious.

    No answers. No comments. It was obviously a new thought to both of them. Since Ed's mom will be 86 this year and his Grandma Geiger lived to be over 100 and my Dad will be 92, I'm thinking that giving consideration to the "retirement" time of life is good thinking. What will the routine be? What good can be done? What change in my life or the lives of others can be accomplished?

    I heard an interview with Dolly Parton this morning. Talking about her progam that gives books to young children, she said that it wasn't going to save the world, but it all helps in some way.

    Any way, just like your take on the daily grind. Kudos for this post!


  2. Bill, totally agree about routine. Something comfortable knowing what's coming next, isn't there?

    By the way, did you like Mama Who in the "Grinch" production? I'm proud to say the actor is a former student who I am now proud to call a colleague.

    Wanda Eichler's sister,
    Heidi Hayes
