Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's a love-hate thing

I'm in a Love-Hate relationship.  Sometimes it's all about love love love... others it's just hate hate hate. It's been going on for years and I sometimes wonder how I've tolerated it this long.

As Charles Dickens said in A Tale of Two Cities: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

That's how relationships go when one of the people is more than twice the age of the other partner... And before you think I'm come kind of letch, I am the younger of the two.

My love-hate relationship is with my hometown, Pigeon, MI.

It's amazing how the community can come together for someone in need, pitching in to help. We're fortunate to have our own hospital, seven churches of various denominations, several large employers and plenty of civic clubs.

Of course there are many more things to love about our 109 year old town.

But sometimes hate creeps in... like when I need a loaf of bread at 7:59 pm and the grocery has already locked the door -- and placed a bagboy to stand guard.  I also hate that on warm summer night, before it even gets dark, all the restaurants have closed.  I also wish my movie choices were not limited to the two-screen theater 15 miles away.

Someone once asked why I never left.  My family is here and I've always had a good job here.

Another reason to love this town.

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