Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Blog Before Its Time

Stolen from
Mark Rummel's Facebook Wall.
My friend (and former boss) Mark Rummel recently pointed out that his "All The News That Fits We Print" column in the Progress-Advance (and later the Newsweekly) newspapers, was a blog in the pre-blog days.

How true!

Since two of his former employees, Wanda Eichler (From Under The Willow) and myself, are writing blogs, I'm sure he could get some pointers should he decide to start a blog of his own.

So old friend, I think the gauntlet has been thrown down, the keyboard is in your court!

For my few blog followers, if you're interested in reading MWR's column on the right, just click on it to enlarge it.

Read all the BareNakedBill blog entries at

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking, I'm thinking, BE... thanks so much for the mention.

    Gratefully, I'm cancer-free now after the past 16 months of chemo - surgery - recovery, etc., and I'm feeling almost normal. I greatly enjoy reading both your blog and Wanda's Willow, too... inspiring and enjoyable.

    For the record, I remember a cartoon in the mid-1950s which led to the title of that "paper blog" column I wrote about 20 years. The New York Times' motto is "All the News That's Fit to Print." I always felt that was a little pompous, so I modified it to "All the News That Fits We Print."

    As you likely remember, I often wrote the column to fill whatever space was left on Page 3 of our weekly paper every Wednesday... mostly to see if I could do it...

    Thanks again for the memories!
