I don't have a topic for today's blog, so I'm going make you a Guinea Pig. I'm sorry, but I promise it really won't be painful.
I'm sort of exploring some of the many "blogger" features that can be used to create this daily post. Some of my friends have asked me questions and wondered if I would teach them how to blog.
I'm still learning the software, but as I master it's functions, I'll be happy to share it with anyone.
As for teaching someone how to blog... that's another story.
First, you gotta want to write. You don't have to be good out of the gate. Time and practice will make a difference.
At least that's what I tell myself. I've been writing -- some days more than others -- for over for nearly 35 years. I think most of the stuff I write sucks, but I'm not getting paid for it so it doesn't matter. I hope when my writing counts, it's does the job I expect it to do.
I've gotten off topic here. This a a test blog because I typed it on my cell phone, and emailed the content along with this photo (from my phone) to super-secret blogger.com email address. The software automatically formats it and prepares it for posting.
I could post it immediately, but I don't. Instead I save it as a draft for scheduling when I'm near a computer.
So Guinea Pigs... that wasn't painful, was it?
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